Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Think about it Tuesday: AGUA

Have you ever wondered WHY things are good for you? WHY you should eat X over Y? Why water is so important, or what the difference is between saturated fat and trans fat?


Today is all about AGUA Many times when you think you are hungry, your body is really just dehydrated!! So why does this happen?? What makes water so important to weight loss, body function, energy, etc?

So your healthy success tip for today is to - drink half your weight in ounces of water per day! Make sure when your hunger comes to attack, that you drink a big glass of water first to make sure you are actually hungry.

But why drink more water? Will it really help me lose weight, cleanse, or be healthier? All I am asking is for you to put down that DIET COKE and read on for just 5 minutes, PLEASE <3

Here are 10 reasons why you should 

drink more water each day:

1. Perfect For Weight Loss - water has no fat, no calories, no carbs, no sugar and can help act as an appetitie suppressant

2. Keeps Your Heart Healthy - if you drink adequate water each day, studies have shown that it will decrease your chance of a heart attack

3. Keeps You Energized - being dehydrated can zap you of your energy and make you feel tired

4. Natural Headache Cure - some headaches are caused by lack of water; drink more to prevent and treat headaches

5. Healthier Skin - many celebrities swear that one of their best beauty secrets is drinking a lot of
water each day for clear and glowing skin

6. Cleansing Effects - water is used by the body to flush our toxins and waste

7. Be More Productive - water helps your body perform at it's best, including during exercise. Dehydration makes it hard to be as productive and active as you can be

8. Digestion - not only does water help organs to absorb nutrients better, it can also help with stomach acid problems

9. Helps prevent/treat constipation - sufficient hydration keeps things flowing along your gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation. When you don't get enough fluid, the colon pulls water from stools to maintain hydration -- and the result is constipation.... YAY TO POOPING! ;)

10. Protects and cushions your vital organs, including your heart.

10 Ways to drink more water:

1. Use a straw
2. Buy a pretty water bottle
3. Set an alarm every hour
4. Spice it up with fruit
5. Drink 1 glass before every meal
6. Every time you go to the bathroom drink 1 cup
7. Drink 2 cups right before bed
8. Compete with a friend
9. Buy a 64 oz bottle and finish it during your work day
10. For every non-water beverage drink 2 cups

So the real question is:

Are you drinking enough water?

Have a question about health and fitness that you want answered? Lets learn about it together!! I don't claim to know everything, but you can learn a lot by doing a little research :D Post in the comments below or EMAIL ME with your question.


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