Thursday, August 29, 2013

My T25 experience

Focus T25

So I started a new program called T25 on Monday July 8th, 2013! I had just got back from Beachbody Summit 2013 where they announced the release of this revolutionary program that was created by the maker of Insanity, ShaunT. I had got into really good shape for Summit in Vegas, but after that I let myself go. I had reached my goal and deadline and now I needed to set some new goals and dreams to accomplish! 

SO with that being said, T25! hahahha It is a Beachbody workout program that is REVOLUTIONIZING working out. 5 days a week, 25 minutes a day, for 10 weeks, say whaaaat?! sign me up now! There is an option to make the program 15 weeks by adding the GAMMA phase (I got this because I wanted to test out the whole product).

I want you to know that I have struggles just like you. I once weighed close to 200 lbs. and it took a lot of hard work to get where I am today, and I STILL have my diet slip ups and lack of motivation. What have I learned? You get in a funk, yes, it isn't about the funk though, it's about how you get out of that funk and how you MOVE ON! I am still struggling with comparing myself to everyone around me and focusing in on myself and what MY goals are and what MY adventure is. 

Don't have time for working out? What can I do in 25 minutes.......

I can walk my husky
I can make dinner
I can make and eat breakfast
I can shower and put my clothes on
I can blow dry AND curl my hair
I can answer my emails
I can stalk people on facebook for high school ;)
I can take a pretty good nap
I can think about what workout I could do

If you really think about it and assess what you do in a day, you could probably find AT LEAST 25 minutes to devote to yourself. Take that extra time and invest in yourself, when you do this you will see improvements in ALL aspects of your life :) It is a booty kicking workout in 25 minutes with no breaks that will help you to get stronger, healthier, toned, and fit! EVERY SECOND MATTERS!

What really inspired me and made me pull the trigger was the back story to one of my favorite workout divas, Tania Baron! She is in all of the Insanity videos and is an amazing athlete. Check out her story here - Tania Baron! After having a baby, her and her husband gained the baby pounds. She was a part of the test group for T25 and has had an AMAZING transformation.

What is T25? Watch this sneak preview from me :)  

So to break it down for you:

  • 25 mins a day, 5 days a week
  • FIT (Focused Interval Training) workouts, burn outs, resistance bands included for Beta phase
  • 2 phases: Alpha and Beta. Alpha is the first introductory phase focused on form, speed and agility. Beta increases the level of difficulty. Add on GAMMA phase (like me) for an extra 4 weeks of T25 and a focus in on strength training!
  • Alpha Phase 5 weeks
  • Beta Phase 5 weeks
  • little to no breaks
  • no recovery weeks

Check out more results!!

So now that I have your attention.... What should you do next?

You have TWO options -- if you want REAL results like the one above... here is option #1

1. We have these things called Challenge Packs--they include your workout (T25), 30 day supply of Shakeology (our health shake, see this link--we have Vegan Chocolate and Tropical, Greenberry, reg. chocolate and Vanilla), a free 30 day trial to the club membership with access to multiple meal plans, me as your coach to keep you on track, and FREE shipping! Normally Shakeology HD is about $130, and T25 is another $130 (includes shipping, add in tax for your state), the club membership is about $12 a month, and shipping normally costs about $10-12 on the products. The T25 Challenge pack is $180 right now until August 31st, then it goes back up to $205... 

SO LETS DO THE MATH: individually if you bought Shakeology, club, and the workout you would spend about: $275 (ish), so you would save, until August 31, $95! BARGAIN. if you order after August 31st, you still save $70! 


2. JUST buy T25 alone for $130 and you don't get the club or Shakeology... 

Please email me and we can figure out the BEST route for you... this is about RESULTS, not excuses, we all have the time. Keep in mind, health should be an investment, not an expense! 


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