The world could use a little more health and a little more positive. It is crazy to think that people give you slack for being health conscious and happy!! well check this out! Knowledge is power people!!

We live in a society where if a little is good more is better. So we end up now with a drug industry that is trying to find a drug for EVERYTHING.
Got a bad attitude? - here's a drug!
Feeling a little depressed? - here's a drug!
Can't seem to focus? - there's a drug for that!
We have become to RELY on it as if it is normal.
I remember in college I diagnosed MYSELF (bad Dr. Heally) with A.D.D. and convinced my physician by FEEDING her exactly what she wanted to hear so she would prescribe me Adderall.... I told her that I was depressed, anxious, and couldn't study or focus. Not to say that I was lying about how I was feeling, but I definitely was fishing for exactly what I wanted, a quick fix. We started out with the Adderall but she wanted me to come back and try out other drugs as well. I thought that this was what I NEEDED! When what I really needed was some self-love, passion for what I was doing, and confidence in my skin!
The journal of the American Medical Association published papers which indicated that approximately 106,000 Americans die from pharmaceutical drugs each year. We are more scared of getting in a car accident and 34,080 fatalities were reported in 2012 from car accidents!!
Now these are drugs that are properly prescribed, not prescription errors. AND these are side effects that are NORMALLY expected and these are people who take the medication as directed. This does NOT count overdose or misuses. So if 106,000 people die from NORMAL expected side effects of drugs just in America just in one year..... in 23 years that is millions.
We are all trying to find this true "happiness" but what exactly is happiness?? I always looked for a quick fix to get me out of a rut, into a good mood. But true happiness is very interesting because it is not as conventional as we may think. We all have a deep desire for well being or happiness, we don't wake up hoping that we suffer that day. When you put your positive thoughts, dreams, desires, and passions into the universe, you will start seeing happiness more often than not. Ever heard of "what you think about comes about".... it is true!!
So throw away those notions of that you are not good enough, that you need a drug to fix every little itty bitty part of your life. Start living a fulfilled and happy life, filled with joy, passion, and drive!
This is some gnarly stuff people!! Another reason that I stick by my positive healthy lifestyle.... NO not perfect, and YES I get grouchy, I'm human! But perception is reality people....
Check out Food Matters, an AMAZING documentary about the need for more nutrient dense foods and vitamins in our lives and less Drugs!
AND check out this TED talk about happiness and the habits of it. Conventional notions of happiness doesn't always bring you happiness....
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