4 Amazing stretches to Ease your
Menstrual Cramps
okay so this might be a weird post for some of you, especially you fellas out there... BUT this is how I'm feeling right now and I figured all other women the time of month but they also feel like crap to say least.

1. Move number one is camel pose... No not camel toes. I love this move because it really stretches out the front of your abdomen and your groin.
DIRECTIONS: Kneel on the floor with the knees hips-width apart. Turn your thighs inward slightly and press your shins and feet firmly into the floor. Rest your hands on the back of your hips (place the base of your palms on the top part of your glutes and point your fingers down). Inhale, lift your chest, and press your shoulders down, towards the ribs.
Exhale, push the hips forward as you lengthen the front of the body and arch back. Keep your hands on the back of your hips or on the back of the heels. If you place your hand on the heels, press your toes into the floor to lift the heels higher. Use your hands to stabilize, push the hips forward, and lift the chest. Drop the head back, gaze upward, and breathe steadily. Stay in this pose for 30 to 60 seconds.
The beauty of this move is that it stretches the ENTIRE front side of you :D, the move opens your chest, throat, and abdomen. You will feel a deep stretch in your hip flexors, while strengthening your back muscles.
2. Move number two in the upper right corner is noose pose. This one's a little more complicated but essentially it stretches out your back, thighs, and your spine.
DIRECTIONS: Come into a full squat position with you feet together; lower your buttocks down towards your heels. If your heels don't reach the floor, place a folded blanket underneath. Inhale and swing your knees to your left as you turn your torso to the right. Exhale, reach the back of your upper left arm around the outside of your right leg and reach the left forearm in front of the legs to wrap back behind the left leg.
Take a breath in and move the right arm behind your low back to clasp the hands. Exhale. Open the chest and gaze over the right shoulder. Keep the hips squared and your knees parallel to one another facing forward. Breathe steadily for 30 to 60 seconds. Inhale, gaze back to center, and exhale to release. Switch sides.
The AMAZING benefits of this move is to aid digestions, and menstrual pain. This move stretches your thighs, groins, and spine and relieves tension in your shoulders, back and neck!
3. Move number three is a head to knee forward bend. This move really helps you calm the mind stretch the spine, shoulders and hamstrings.
Take a breath in and move the right arm behind your low back to clasp the hands. Exhale. Open the chest and gaze over the right shoulder. Keep the hips squared and your knees parallel to one another facing forward. Breathe steadily for 30 to 60 seconds. Inhale, gaze back to center, and exhale to release. Switch sides.
The AMAZING benefits of this move is to aid digestions, and menstrual pain. This move stretches your thighs, groins, and spine and relieves tension in your shoulders, back and neck!
3. Move number three is a head to knee forward bend. This move really helps you calm the mind stretch the spine, shoulders and hamstrings.
DIRECTIONS: Start on the floor in a seated position with your legs extended forward. Bend the right knee outward to a 90-degree angle and press the right foot into the inner left thigh. Grab the left shin or foot, inhale, square the hips, and lengthen the torso over the straight leg.
Exhale, fold forward slowly from the groins. Extend the spine and lengthen through the chest. Allow your back to lengthen instead of round. Pull your left toes back towards you and extend through the left heel while firmly pressing the right foot into the left thigh. Press your sit bones down towards the floor. Continue to breathe steadily while gazing at the left foot. Stay in this pose for 1 to 3 minutes and then switch sides.
So HOW can this help you? It will calm your brain and relieve MILD depression <3. You can reduces your anxiety, headaches, menstrual cramps, and fatigue! This move will stretch your spine, shoulders, and groin.
4. Last move is runners lunge with a quad stretch, this feels really good on your hip flexors.
DIRECTIONS: Do this stretch for each leg!! First with your right foot forward, get into a runner lunge. Place your knee on the ground and twist open your upper body to the left. With your left hand, grab the right foot and STRETCH!!!
The benefits of this stretch is a deep hamstring opening WHILE stretching the groin. This is a multifaceted stretch and takes some practice with your balance :D
Feel better lovelies
Feel better lovelies
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